3 Reasons You Should See an Audiologist

Do you strain to hear the television or people talking at a restaurant? Are you always asking others to repeat themselves? If so, you may benefit from seeing an audiologist

A licensed audiologist can determine the extent of your hearing loss and recommend treatment options. Here are three reasons to see a certified audiologist.

You Have Earwax Issues

Earwax is a natural, self-cleaning agent produced by the body to protect the ear. However, sometimes too much earwax can build up, causing it to become hard and difficult to remove.

Excessive earwax can lead to pain, hearing loss and even infection. While over-the-counter products can remove earwax, they can sometimes do more harm than good.

A competent audiologist can help remove excess earwax using various safe and effective methods. In some cases, they could use suction or irrigation to remove the wax quickly. Or, they might use special instruments to break up and remove the wax carefully.

Regardless of the method used, an audiologist can provide relief from symptoms and regain your normal hearing.

You Have Balance Problems

Did you know that your audiologist can also help with balance problems? Many people don't realize that the same delicate system of bones and nerves that allows you to hear also enables you to keep your balance.

Problems with this system can lead to dizziness, nausea and even falls. If you have any of these symptoms, an audiologist can help.

A certified audiologist can perform a series of tests to determine if you have a balance disorder. These tests may include an assessment of your eyes and ears, as well as tests of your walking and balance.

Based on these tests, your audiologist will develop a treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms and improve your balance. For instance, they may recommend physical therapy or vestibular rehabilitation exercises if you have a specific condition like vertigo.

You Need Hearing Aids

Audiologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss. If you think you might need hearing aids, your audiologist can provide a complete hearing assessment to determine if you have a hearing loss.

An experienced audiologist can also help you choose the right style of hearing aid. There are different styles available, including:

  • Invisible hearing aids. These hearing aids are small and fit completely inside the ear canal. They are virtually undetectable and a good choice for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.
  • Behind-the-ear hearing aids. These hearing aids are larger and fit behind the ear. They are a good choice for people with all types of hearing loss, including severe hearing loss.

In addition, your audiologist can help you understand how to use and care for your hearing aid. They can provide you with tips to make the most of your hearing aid and improve your hearing.

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Getting help with my neck pain

I am really lucky that my local healthcare providers operate in a clinic setting together. It means that I can see my doctor, chiropractor, and even massage therapist in the same location. It makes it much easier for me to get the treatment that I need to deal with my neck pain. Often using a combination of therapy and medication can be useful in making sure that I get the best possible relief. This blog is all about the best ways to get relief from neck pain at a health care clinic and should be useful for anyone who struggles with neck pain.