Weight Loss: How Your GP Can Help

Official estimates suggest that 2 out of 3 Australians are overweight. Being overweight can lead to a number of health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. If you want to lose weight, your GP can help you. Below is a guide to the different ways in which your doctor can help.

Assessing the scale of the problem

Before you can begin your weight loss journey, it is essential that you are able to establish your current weight and a healthy target weight you wish to reach. Your doctor can help you by weighing you using professional medical scales. The GP will also measure your height. Using these two measurements, your doctor will be able to work out your body mass index (BMI). The BMI provides a range of healthy weights for different sized people. Taller people can typically carry more weight than shorter people while remaining healthy. Your BMI will also give you an indication of just how overweight you are.

Making a plan

Next, your GP will help you to plan the changes you are going to make to your life in order to lose weight. Two primary factors in weight loss are the amount of exercise you take and your diet. The doctor will be able to recommend suitable exercises you can do on a daily basis which will help you to lose weight. Of course, if you are overweight or unfit, you should not suddenly start carrying out strenuous exercise, as this could place your health at risk. Your GP will only suggest exercises which are safe for you to carry out. While your GP is able to provide you with basic details of the changes you can make to improve your diet, they may also refer you to a dietitian. A dietitian is a specialist who will be able to create a detailed weight-loss diet plan which ensures you receive all of the vitamins and minerals you need.

Considering further treatment

If you are obese and standard approaches to weight loss do not work, your GP may suggest that you consider surgery. Weight-loss surgery will involve inserting a balloon into your stomach, so you quickly feel full when eating, which will reduce the numbers of calories you consume.

If you would like further advice and information about how your doctor can help you to lose weight, you should book an appointment at your local clinic today. Contact general practitioners in your area for additional information.

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Getting help with my neck pain

I am really lucky that my local healthcare providers operate in a clinic setting together. It means that I can see my doctor, chiropractor, and even massage therapist in the same location. It makes it much easier for me to get the treatment that I need to deal with my neck pain. Often using a combination of therapy and medication can be useful in making sure that I get the best possible relief. This blog is all about the best ways to get relief from neck pain at a health care clinic and should be useful for anyone who struggles with neck pain.